CSB.DB - A Comprehensive Systems-Biology Database -
csbdb Exceptions@CSB.DB
- The CSB.DB Warnings, Exceptions & Error Message Page -
Hosted at Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology
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Warning / Error@CSB.DB
CategoryUser Parameter
locationCSB.DB - A Comprehensive Systems-Biology Database: XPMIAME@CSB.DB
organization levelArabidopsis thaliana
level typetranscript query
output typeHTML output
array design type25k Affymetrix oligonucleotide chip technology (ATH1-121501)
csb.db accessionrs_w11305
input typereplicate-set accession
outputvalid value required
warning codeX0080: Parameter Error - ID does not exist.

Requirements 2004-05-31
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